The Argyle (navy or black)
It was Alexander Julian who brought the argyle to Carolina to make the most iconic collegiate uniforms ever made. How did it all happen? Here is the story as told by Alexander Julian: “I remember it like it was yesterday!!! It was Spring ‘90, my wife and I were in London on business, and our room phone at Claridge’s Hotel rang that funny “bbrrring-bbrrring” that British phones make. I picked it up, and much to my surprise, a familiar voice said, “Hey Alex, this is Dean Smith calling.” I was so shocked that I quickly sat down on the edge of the bed to hear why “Coach” was calling. “I really like what you did with the Charlotte Hornet’s uniforms. I think it’s time for Carolina to update, and I think you’re the man for the job,” he said. I unhesitatingly replied: “Coach, it would be my greatest honor to do whatever I can for you and for Carolina.”